I have survived!

By | May 20, 2020

I was scheduled to go in to have my deviated septum worked on just before the COVID-19 pandemic his the Texas area… but it was postponed. Twice.

For me, it wasn’t so much a nice to have but an almost necessary kind of operation. I have a pretty decent sleep apnea condition and the deviated septum is one of the major contributors to it. Granted, I have been living with this for years… YEARS. Poor Leo (back when I worked at BioWare) can attest to this because he had to share a room with me for a trip once and my snoring and start/stop breathing kept him up all night.

Well, I finally got the surgery (again, I actually had it many years ago but they apparently didn’t do a great job). So far, the prognosis is good outside of having to wear a bandage under my nose for a few days to make sure I don’t look like a low-key version of the Dragon Age blood splatter 🙂 Also, Kate said I hardly snored last night even though I had this thing on my nose.

Fingers crossed!

P.S. Oh how I HATE posting pictures of myself.

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