Sean has left the Building

By | November 22, 2022

Yesterday, November 21, 2022, was my last day at Spiceworks Ziff Davis. While it has sunk in mentally, it hasn’t really hit me emotionally yet. Right now, I feel like I have a day off or a mini-vacation. But I imagine it’ll hit like a freight train in a few days.

Believe it or not, I am just shy of my 11-year mark working at Spiceworks. My first day was Dec 14, 2011. When I stop to think about it, this means over a fifth of my life has been working here (something like 22% of it). While I was in the Marine Corps for six (6) years and around eight (8) at one iteration of another of Wolfpack (Wolfpack Studios, Ubisoft, and Stray Bullet Games), this is the longest I’ve ever worked somewhere. Of course, much like Wolfpack, I’ve been through different iterations of Spiceworks. I started with Chapter 2 of Spiceworks, internally dubbed “The Rise of the Community.”

While it definitely had its ups and downs (doesn’t everything), I am quite proud of what I was able to support and accomplish in that decade. I learned a lot. A LOT. I made many new professional connections. Most importantly, I made many new friends from within the company and the Community. People who will be with me as I start to write the next book in my life; there will be a brief interlude, though, as I take a little downtime.

I won’t lie; this was a very (VERY) difficult decision to make. It honestly feels like the first time I jumped out of an airplane. Obviously, very exciting, but also a bit scary as I shuffle up to the door and hope my parachute was packed properly. And while I still feel this is the correct decision for me, it is something I will probably question for a while. Spiceworks is an amazing place that still has so much potential. But, as I said earlier, it is time for me to pen a new book. I’ll talk more about that in a future update.

Right now, I just wanted to take a moment to say a very sincere “thank you” to everyone who has been with me on this ride over the last decade. I thought about listing everyone out, but it would be quite the list and I would inevitably forget someone (and feel bad for that). I can still remember my first job interviews with Jen (Slaski), Tabrez, and Nic. I remember being torn between accepting the Spiceworks offer that would keep me close to home (and my daughter) and taking the offer from 38 Studios. While hindsight definitely showed that was a bullet dodged, at the moment, it was where friends such as Jessica Folsom and Charles Dane worked (and I’d be working with them). Where I would have had the opportunity to work with author R. A. Salvatore and author/artist Todd McFarlane. And they were definitely offering a lot more. It, too, was a hard decision to make but, ultimately, the correct one for my family and me.

I digress, though. Thank you. To those who worked alongside me over the years. To those who taught me so much. To those who let me be a part of their community. To those who became my friends. There are many things I’m thankful for, but these are very high on my list.

This is not a goodbye. This is a thank you. This is an “I will miss you… until we met again!

For this interested (and for myself in the future), here is what I posted as my goodbye in the Spiceworks Community last week:

This is undoubtedly one of the hardest things I’ve had to write. And I won’t lie; it’s taken me a few tries. To get straight to the point, I’ve decided to take on a new opportunity, so this is my last week at Spiceworks Ziff Davis.

This will close out over a decade in the service of Spiceworks members. It has truly been an honor and I will never forget having the chance to see this Community come together, online and in person, over the years. The next destination on my professional journey lies down another path, but I’ll always remember and retrace the steps we’ve taken together.

This place has felt like a home to me, and the people who create and support Spiceworks are some of the most talented, dedicated, and passionate people. It has been an honor working alongside them and you. Speaking of which, rest assured, Spiceworks is in the hands of those sincere about the Spiceworks mission; empowering technology professionals to use technology to transform and improve their organizations, communities, and the world. Every day. I’m excited to experience this as a member and can’t wait for everyone to see the next chapter of Spiceworks.

I want to express my gratitude for letting me be a part of our Community. It is my sincere wish that we all keep the true purpose of the Community in mind. This is a collaborative place of technology professionals willing to share their knowledge, challenges, and, yes, humor for the support and betterment of all. Also, thank you for reading my posts and tolerating my dad jokes, terrible puns, and memes over the years.

I know some of you will ask where I’m going. If you’re curious, I’ll share more about it on my personal channels Soon™ (you know I had to sneak in a Soon™ before I left, right?). Besides, this isn’t really goodbye. You’ll still see me around as a passionate member of this Community.

Thanks for keeping it spicy, professional, and fun!


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