Category Archives: Community Management

Today I start the prologue of the next book in my career

Ref: This one will be short and sweet as I’m mainly writing this for something to look back on in the years. But today, December 6th, 2022, is my first day as the Head of Developer Community, also known as “Leader, Technical Marketing,” at Cisco. I just finished my first onboarding session, and I have to admit,… Read More »

A decade of spice!

I started writing this over a month ago but, as you can tell, I’m late with post it. The short version is I recently hit my 10-year mark workiversary at Spiceworks. Yes, my first day working at Spiceworks was on December 14, 2011. A decade ago. Craziness. If I turn back the clock a little… Read More »

Social isn’t a job, it’s a toolset

I’m still playing catch-up on my podcasts (I’m about a month behind on episodes but catching up quickly). In a (semi) recent episode of SocialPros, they had on Convince & Convert colleagues Lauren Teague and Zontee Hou in an episode entitled “What You Must Adjust in Your Social Media in These Crazy Times.” Great episode,… Read More »

Community Signal podcast: Managing Communities of IT Pros and MMORPG Players

Recently, I had the pleasure of being on the Community Signal podcast, hosted by Patrick O’Keefe of fame. I believe we did the recording around the middle of March so it was just as things were starting to get “interesting” here in Texas in regards to the coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic. If you’re already following… Read More »

So You Read Message Boards For a Living?

Kill Ten Rats posted this on their site so I am just going to give you a snippet of it then have you go read it. It’s a good read: MMO community managers have an ugly job. Public relations is never the cakewalk that it seems from the outside, but dealing with the teeming internet… Read More »