Tag Archives: Shadowbane

Shadowbane: Play 2 Crush. Again?

If you’re simply here for the Meekskin download or how to “fix” the profanity filter, just click those anchors or scroll down to see the header names. You can grab my updated Minimal Skin, as well. A year ago, I wouldn’t have even imagined myself writing an update like this. But, as we all know… Read More »

The (re)launch of Shadowbane?

I was perusing my Facebook groups today and I’m still a member of the old Shadowbane players group. And what do I see? A post about Shadowbane launching. No, not an emulator server. The actual product. And, sure enough, if you go to www.shadowbane.com, you see there is a new website. With a countdown timer.… Read More »

Shadowbane Lore

So, I’ve been terrible with keeping this site up to date or even getting it into working order initially. Due to some of the fun I’ve been having participating in the Crowfall community, though, it’s forced me to start adding some of the old Shadowbane stuff I have. Which is why you will see a… Read More »

The Death of Ashen Temper

For those of you just tuning it, today it was announced that I have left Stray Bullet Games, LLC. Also, if you’re into Shadowbane lore or even just a good story, Sam aka Meridian published the first part of the Death of Ashen Temper. Today has been very surreal so far. Many of the people… Read More »

Shadowbane Virtual Gathering [Update]

This weekend we are having the virtual Fan Gathering for Shadowbane in the online world know as Second Life. If you missed the first announcement, I’d recommend reading it before reading this any further. Things have come a long way since that original announcement, mostly thanks to Sachant; she’s been hard at work making sure… Read More »

God May Forgive Your Sins

As the philosopher (and scientist) Alfred Korzybski would say; “God may forgive your sins, but your nervous system won’t.” Before you read too far, no, this is not really related to game mechanics or systems or anything of that sort. In fact, the only relation this little “blagh” post has to games is that it… Read More »